I've started to write this recipe a bunch of times. With the current world situation, I'm positive that most of us are doing quite a bit more homecooking than usual. We are all stretching out supplies at the moment -- I've been unable to find flour locally, and several people have asked about yeast.
Potatoes have also been a hard-to-find item in my local stores, so I know that you all have them in your cupboards at the moment. Most likely, you plan on making baked potatoes, or mashed potatoes with them. If the latter is your plan, don't throw out those leftovers!
Potato scones are the perfect pairing with breakfast fry ups. The flavor is a mild, buttery, fried goodness. They are crisp, and creamy, yet not heavy.
Potato Scones
Yield: 4 scones
2 cups leftover mashed potatoes (cold from fridge)
2 tbsp all-purpose flour
2 tbsp butter, for frying
In a bowl, mix the potatoes with the flour until combined. On a floured surface, roll out the mixture with a pin, then cut into 4 to 8 triangles, depending on how big you want your scones.
Heat the butter in a skillet, and carefully place the pieces into the sizzling butter. Turn after about 2 minutes -- it won't take long for them to turn crispy and brown. Brown the other side, then gently remove from the pan and serve hot. Salt if desired.
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